Age 3 – Under 8
Shooting Stars (3-U6): $85
Foundation (U7 & U8): $190
U7 & U8 programmes are run over the full winter season across terms 2 and 3.
Shooting Stars fees are charged by term.
Foundation Football focuses on small sided games and skill building activities, to ensure our youngest players get lots of touches on the ball, develop key football skills and techniques, and have heaps of fun.
When a young footballer turns three, they can register for our Shooting Stars programme to have fun and start to develop their skills, progressing through the age group/skill levels (split into Sonics, Comets, Novas and Astros) until the year of their seventh birthday when they can register for our Foundation Football Under 7s programme.
Foundation Football for players turning 7 and 8 runs on Saturday mornings.
Shooting Stars (for players aged 3, 4, 5 and turning 6) runs on Sunday mornings.
Age groups are determined by player age at 1 January each year e.g., players aged 6 at the start of the year should register for the U7 programme. Please get in touch at with any questions.

(Age 3 - U6)
Shooting Stars is the club's introduction to football programme for our youngest Wharfies! Sessions run in eight week terms.
Players are split across four groups which cater to a range of experience and abilities. ​
Sonics - beginners aged 3-4
Comets - intermediate aged 3-4
Novas - beginners aged 5-6
Astros - intermediate aged 5-6
Term 2: May 4 - June 22
Term 3: July 13 - Aug 31
Time: Sunday mornings
Novas & Astros: 9.00 - 9.50am
Sonics & Comets: 10.00 - 10.50am
Where: Karori Park
Cost: $85 per term
(U7 & U8)
Develop your skills with our U7 and U8 Foundation Football programme! Players take part in skill building games and are introduced to more focused teamplay with Capital Football Festival Weekends.
Our Founation programme runs across the winter football season, covering terms 2 and 3. Teams are put together by grade coordinators, who do their best to place players with friends or kids from the same school. Players should list two or three friends on their registration form.
Season start: Saturday 3 May
Season end: Saturday 30 August
Time: Saturday mornings
U7: 8.45 - 9.45am
U8: 10.00 - 11.00am
Where: Karori Park (on regular weekends). Venues for Festival Weekends are organised and published by Capital Football. Draws and details will be communicated to parents by grade coordinators each week and can be viewed on the Capital Football website.
Waterside Karori AFC U7 and U8 teams are entered in the Capital Football U7 & U8 Western Festival grades. These consist of several small-sided games, and run every few weeks at times and locations published in the Capital Football draw below. Grade coordinators will also communicate details to parents and managers each week.​
There are no team trainings for Foundation Football age groups. Players aged 6-8 are invited to register for the club's Emerging Swifts training programmes. Sessions are run during the week by our Swifts Academy coaches and provide players with an opportunity to develop their skills in a fun but more competitive environment. There are also Girls U8 trainings.
Shooting Stars Term 2: Sunday May 4
Shooting Stars Term 3: Sunday July 13
U7 & U8 Season begins: Saturday 3 May
U7 & U8 Season finishes: Saturday 30 August
School holiday break: U7 & U8 football runs on the first and last weekend of the school holidays, but we take a break for the middle weekend of the holidays. Shooting Stars have a two week break between terms.
School Holiday and Summer Programmes: The club runs a very popular school holiday programme, and a summer programme during terms 1 and 4. We encourage players to keep up their football over the holidays and summer by getting involved in these! More information can be found on the "Programmes" page here.
​Shooting Stars players do not need to provide any gear, but we do have an optional programme shirt available through our club shop - Inter Football. Boots are preferable (try Rebel).
U7 & U8 Players need to provide their own:
Plain black shorts.
Black football socks.
Football boots.
Shin pads.
These can be purchased online. Football boots and shin pads can also be bought from most sports stores and off TradeMe.
The club provides each U7 & U8 teams with the following (all of which must be returned at the end of the season):
Black and white striped Waterside Karori playing tops (1 per player).
A player of the day trophy and certificates.
Balls and cones.
We want to create a fun and positive environment for our players. The more support, encouragement and involvement from parents the better!
U7 & U8 Team coaches
​Each of our Foundation Football teams need a coach/manager to:
take responsibility for the team's gear, and return it at the end of the season
act as a point of contact for the team for parents and the club
ensure parents have received communications from the club regarding cancellations and festival draws
The club will offer optional parent coach/manager information opportunities.